Viktoria Plzen 0-0 Man Utd
27. Fernandes swings a free kick into the box.
Zirkzee gets up with a header but glances it wide of the goal.
Casemiro almost got an important touch in the middle but was a whisker away from contact.
Viktoria Plzen 0-0 Man Utd
25. Rashford seems to have lost the spark he once had.
When he receives the ball now, it all seems so slow and lethargic.
The hunger to score goals and win games seems to be disappeared.
Viktoria Plzen 0-0 Man Utd
23. Amad runs at the Plzen defence.
He looks to cut inside onto his left foot to get a shot away but it is well blocked.
The ball balloons into the air, towards goal, but the keeper gathers with ease.
Viktoria Plzen 0-0 Man Utd
21. Onana is always entertaining to watch as a neutral.
You never know what is going to happen next.
If he was in goals for your own team, you would be a bundle of nerves.
Viktoria Plzen 0-0 Man Utd
19. It has been quite an even start to the game.
Neither side has really troubled the opposition keeper.
Plzen do look capable of hurting Man Utd when they come forward.
View from SunSport’s Neil Custis in Czechia
This was Ruben Amorim’s first away trip in Europe with United and already he has made a change to Erik ten Hag’s planning.
The former boss always preferred staying over after games and training again in the morning before flying back to Manchester.
Amorim favours getting straight back which has gone down well with the players.